

A database is a structured data repository that is electronically stored and retrieved. While smaller databases can be stored on a file system, larger ones require computer clusters or cloud hosting to accommodate their size and complexity. MySQL,PostgreSQL, Informix, Sybase, and many more are some examples of the different kinds of databases that exist. 

What is a Relational Database? 

There is a diverse range of database management systems available, each with its own unique characteristics and capabilities. A relational database is  the most common type of database that we use to organize and manage data. It works by using a "schema," a blueprint or template that helps organize the information in the database. The schema tells the database what information it will store, how it will be organized, and how it should be connected to other pieces of information. For instance, Snowflake is an example of a cloud-based relational database that helps organizations manage their data. It’s a highly scalable and fully elastic platform that supercharge data management.